Over 4 Billion Keystrokes Saved!

More time for patient care

Nothing is more important than accuracy in the medical practice. See how Jeff Pavell, DO has had success with Fusion Narrate, allowing his team to leave with all charts done correctly and legibly.

Laptop with Speech Bubble Icon

Upgrade to more accurate speech recognition software.

Bar Graph with Arrow Moving Upwards Icon

Get more time for patient care.

Computer Mouse Icon

Keep your focus off the mouse and keyboard with voice commands.

Customization Gear Icon

Get exactly what you want out of your speech recognition.


AI Assist

for Fusion Narrate
Integrate generative AI in your workflow to automate repetitive and time-consuming daily tasks with AI Assist, now available for Fusion Narrate. AI Assist offers high-value targeted prompts out of the box, and the tools to build custom AI-powered shortcuts.  

Guaranteed Reliability

Guaranteed reliability

Is unplanned downtime interfering with your workflow? Fusion Narrate offers a 99.9% uptime guarantee, and an impressive record of meeting it, month after month.

Laptop and Mobile Phone Side-by-Side Icon

Get started right away - you can even use your phone as a dictation device!

Computer Window Icon

Immediately integrate Fusion Narrate with your EHR, LIS, RIS, or other applications.

Page Highlighted By Highlighter Icon

Self-edit speech-recognized dictations in real time or send directly to your transcription staff to review.

Cloud Icon

Stay connected wherever you go.

Download Icon

Save space on your devices with less than a 15 MB download.

Lock within a Shield Icon

Keep your information safe.


Calculate your annual savings

Enter the expected number of physicians who would use Fusion Narrate, and the average number of patients seen per physician per day.


patients/day (per physician)

Estimated Annual Savings


$216,000 annual salary
260 working days per year

Annual Salary
Time Spent in EHR
Fusion Narrate Desktop or Mobile

Simplify your workflow

Speech enable any application with Fusion Narrate. Build voice shortcuts to speed up what you're doing, wherever you are - you can even use your phone as your microphone.

Recognized by KLAS

Dolbey's exceptional support, flexible solutions, and strong customer relationships have been consistently recognized by users in annual KLAS Research surveys. Fusion Narrate has received the highest user score in the KLAS Speech Recognition: Front-End EMR Segment from 2020 - 2022.

In the KLAS Speech Recognition: Front-End EMR Segment Highlight report, Fusion Narrate received the highest overall score. See why Dolbey's relationships and ongoing support stand out in a summary of the results.

Dolbey KLAS overall Vendor Score: 91.8

Ready to try it out?

Start recording your dictations accurately with our easy-to-use platform, Fusion Narrate.