Gear Customization Icon

Use speech recognition within any custom interface.

Laptop with Speech Bubble Icon

Speech-to-text software with a radiology context to ensure dictations are accurately recognized.

Highlighted Paper with Highlighter Icon

Highlight and queue incomplete dictation reports. Insert linked routines while dictating.

Users Connected By Web Icon

Use Fusion Expert for any modality at any location.

Laptop with Gears on Screen Icon

Design and implement speech-enabled templates to further improve efficiency.

Computer Window Icon

Seamless integration with all major PACS and RIS.

What Our Customers Are Saying

Provided By KLAS Research

We're here for you every step of the way.

Fusion Expert is designed for flexibility, with a focused radiology speech lexicon and data integration capabilities that enable your team to create highly efficient customized workflows.

Fusion Expert received a notable performance mention in this year's Best in KLAS report, as 100% of surveyed customers agreed that Dolbey avoids charging for every little thing and keeps all promises. By using Fusion Expert, you'll be backed by Dolbey's exceptional support team.

Click here to view the full Best in KLAS Software & Services 2024 report.

Dolbey KLAS overall Vendor Score: 91.8

Want to learn more?

Contact our team directly to ask any questions or view a product demonstration.